Melissa A. Still

A photo of Melissa Still

About Me

Hi! I'm Melissa Still. I have 16 years experience as a developer and my latest title was a software engineer before I was laid off in February 2023.

My programming journey started in 2007, just a few months after I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems.

My programming work experience is with one company. I learned C++ by experience on the job, but studied Java in college. I was exposed to various technologies throughout my career and I obtained knowledge about them through research to perform my job. I worked mostly on a financial proprietary application using Microsoft Visual Studio MFC graphical user interface using C++ with COBOL views to retrieve and update data. Eventually, the design progressed to a browser based MVC(Model View Controller) design with Java, using Spring ExtJS.

I have fundamental knowledge of many coding languages, including Javascript, Java, XML, HTML, and CSS. I have experience working in the following IDEs: Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, and Spring ExtJS. I have passion to solve the puzzle, however some puzzles take me more than 20 minutes to find resolution. I enjoy networking with people in different positions to understand the greater picture of the business and engage with peers in application development and support to discuss and talk through a recommended solution and actively listen to to their feedback.

The Full Stack Engineer position caught my interest when searching for my next career opportunity. I conducted research on an education path to teach me the skills needed to fulfill my interest. I found and started my full stack journey in March 2023. Although I don't have job experience for this career path, I am searching for a company to expand my experience with the skills I am learning with my classes.

Class Projects

The listed projects are those of the Full Stack course.

Mixed Messages

Built a Node.js console app to generate random messages each time a user runs the program and to version in Git/GitHub.

Terminal output for Mixed Messages Mixed Message Code
Find The Hat

Built a Node.js console app to play a game to find a hat.

Terminal output for Find the Hat Find the Hat Code

Technology stack

  • Visual Studio Code
  • HTML
  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Git
  • GitHub